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The Basic Kit is a pack of different TinkerKit Modules aimed to start designing interactive environments / sensors / prototype interfaces without using the breadboard or the soldering iron.
Sensor Shield V.2 contains 7 different Sensors and 5 Actuators. Real value comes from the 7 extra cables included in the kit.
The Basic Kit Contains:
- Sensor Shield V.2 x1
- Button Module x1
- LDR Module x1
- Tilt Module x1
- Therm Module x1
- Rotary Potentiometer Module x1
- Linear Potentiometer Module x1
- Touch Sensor Module x1
- Relay Module x1
- 5mm Green Led Module x1
- 5mm Yellow Led Module x1
- 5mm Red Led Module x1
- 10mm Green Led Module x1
- 20cm Cables x4
- 50cm Cables x2
- 100cm Cables x1