ADXL345 is a small thin lowpower threeaxis accelerometer can be high Up to ± 16 g accelerometer with high resolution (13) measurements. Digital Outputs According to a 16bit twos complement format can be accessed through the digital interface SPI (3wire or 4wire) or I2C. ADXL345 is well suited for mobile device applications. It can tilt sensing applications Measuring the static acceleration of gravity it can also measure the dynamic add motion or shock caused speed. Its high resolution (4 mg / LSB) capable of measuring about 0.25 ° of inclination Angle change. Use ADXL345 digital output acceleration timing etc. without the need for Analog
to digital conversion reducing system cost and board space. In
addition ADXL345 is a small thin ultralow power 3axis accelerometer
with high resolution (13bit) measurement at up to ± 16g. Digital
output data is 16bit twos complement format can be accessed via I2C
digital interface SPI (3wire or 4wire) or. ADXL345 is well suited for mobile device applications. It can tilt sensing applications Measures the static acceleration of gravity you can measure motion or shock resulting from moving State acceleration. Its high resolution (3.9mg / LSB) capable of measuring less than 1.0 ° Tilt angle change. The device offers a variety of special detection. Activity and inactivity sensing through Comparing any axis acceleration threshold set by the user to detect the presence or absence of transport Movable occurs. Tap any direction sensing detects single and dual vibration vibration Make. Freefall detection can detect whether the device is falling. These ones Functions can be mapped to two interrupt output pins a. Shen is Please patented integrated memory management system uses a 32 FIFO (FIFO) buffer can be used to store data which will host processor load Minimize and lower overall system power consumption. Low power modes enable intelligent motionbased power management to a very low Power consumption threshold sensing and active acceleration measurement.